Monday, November 11, 2024

Statement From Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III on Veterans Day

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Statement From Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III on Veterans Day
Nov. 11, 2024

On Veterans Day, we honor the extraordinary selflessness and strength of the American patriots who have served in the U.S. military. Today and every day, we give thanks to the generations of men and women who have answered the call to protect our country. They have defended our freedoms and upheld the values of liberty, justice, democracy, and the rule of law that define us as Americans.

Our veterans represent the very best of America. They come from all walks of life yet share a common dedication to serving a cause greater than themselves. From the jungles of Vietnam to the mountains of Afghanistan, from the shores of Normandy to the sands of Iraq, our veterans have shown unparalleled courage and commitment. They embody the ideals that make our military — and our country — strong.

On behalf of the entire Department of Defense, let me convey my deepest gratitude to each and every veteran for their service. We are also profoundly grateful to their families, who have served and sacrificed right alongside them. 

On Veterans Day, we also reaffirm our commitment to ensuring that our veterans and their families receive the resources and the benefits that they deserve. Doing so is a sacred trust. The Department of Defense remains deeply committed to working alongside our partners in the Department of Veterans Affairs and across the federal government to ensure that America honors in full its profound debt of gratitude to our veterans.

To all our veterans, thank you for your service. You have defended our freedoms, protected our democracy, and shown us all the true meaning of patriotism. We are forever grateful.

Let us honor our veterans by giving back to our communities, building a more perfect union together, and finding our own ways to serve the republic that we love.

May God bless all our veterans and their families, and may God continue to bless the United States of America.


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