Thursday, October 31, 2024

Regional Cooperation Framework for U.S.-ROK Alliance Contributions to Security in the Indo-Pacific

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Regional Cooperation Framework for U.S.-ROK Alliance Contributions to Security in the Indo-Pacific
Oct. 30, 2024

The United States (U.S.) - Republic of Korea (ROK) Alliance remains the linchpin of peace and security not only on the Korean Peninsula but also in the Indo-Pacific region.

Today the U.S. Department of Defense and ROK Ministry of National Defense announce the following Regional Cooperation Framework for U.S.-ROK Alliance Contributions to Security in the Indo-Pacific to facilitate deeper collaboration between our two countries and to demonstrate our commitment to maintaining a free, peaceful, and prosperous Indo-Pacific region.

Our two nations share fundamentally common interests and values that underpin regional security efforts, such as respect for democratic governance, the rule of law, territorial integrity, and sovereignty. We seek to better align our efforts in the Indo-Pacific to help realize the vision of a global comprehensive strategic alliance and to advance the security and prosperity of our people, the region, and the globe.

This framework builds upon our respective strategies for the region – the U.S. Indo-Pacific Strategy, and the ROK Strategy for a Free, Peaceful, and Prosperous Indo-Pacific region – to help develop and maintain a sustainable, secure, and resilient regional order. Our cooperative efforts also draw upon the 2023 Defense Vision of the U.S.-ROK Alliance, which identifies strengthening solidarity and regional security cooperation with like-minded partners as one of our key bilateral priorities, and are intended to support the Republic of Korea's goal of becoming a "Global Pivotal State." 

To advance this cooperation, the U.S. Secretary of Defense and the ROK Minister of National Defense endorse the following general principles and seek to chart a path forward that ensures our common national interest:

•    Our cooperative efforts should seek to create a region that is more connected, prosperous, secure, and resilient. We intend to utilize approaches and pursue initiatives that are based on mutual confidence, trust, reciprocity, and respect for relevant international laws, standards, and norms.

•    Both the U.S. and ROK recognize that our national interests, as well as those of our bilateral Alliance, can be advanced by firmly upholding and strengthening the rules-based order in the Indo-Pacific region; this includes the freedoms of navigation and overflight, and other uses of the sea guaranteed to all nations under international law.

•    Both sides reaffirm their strong support for Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) centrality, unity, and the ASEAN-led regional architecture; we commit to partnering closely with ASEAN to advance implementation of the ASEAN Outlook on the Indo-Pacific in defense-related areas; we are also determined to work closely with Pacific Island countries and the Pacific Islands Forum to build capacity in the region.

•    Both sides intend to pursue initiatives and activities together that more comprehensively build partner capacity, bolster maritime security, and foster collaboration and interoperability with like-minded countries in the region.

•    Through increased participation in multilateral exercises, both sides are determined to enhance the readiness, capability, and resilience of combined forces to be prepared to respond to evolving and complex threats in the region.

•    To expand comprehensive security cooperation, the U.S. and ROK intend to pursue initiatives that strengthen collaboration in the areas of non-proliferation, counter-terrorism, humanitarian aid and disaster relief, climate change, and the prevention of infectious diseases as well as empower regional organizations to contribute to greater regional stability; both sides also intend to increase information sharing with like-minded countries to better address challenges in the region.

•    In the area of defense exports and defense industrial cooperation, both sides intend to work together on issues of mutual interest including: sharing best practices on export controls, foreign direct investment, and technology security; exchanging information on expert planning and decision-making; and cooperating effectively to secure supply chains.

•    Both sides are also determined to work together to increase information sharing in the cyber domain to enhance regional cybersecurity practices and situational awareness, and build cyber resilience to defend against globally-expanding malicious cyber threats.

•    Finally, both sides also pledge to continue using established forums such as the Regional Cooperation Working Group (RCWG), and other existing bilateral mechanisms, to develop and sustain dialogue between the U.S. and ROK on defense cooperation in priority areas identified in both the government and industrial sectors. The mechanisms will report to the annual Security Consultative Meeting (SCM) through the Korea-U.S. Integrated Defense Dialogue (KIDD).

To implement this framework, both sides intend to present concepts for cooperative projects through government channels and, where appropriate, facilitate business-to-business connections that may advance opportunities for collaboration and cooperation. These projects should complement other efforts being undertaken by other like-minded countries in the region and seek to effectively utilize public sector resources.

Initiatives and projects under this framework will focus on the following areas, which both sides have identified as priority areas for cooperation, with a particular focus on cooperation with ASEAN and Pacific Island countries:

Maritime Security 

Multilateral Exercises

Capacity Building 

Defense Exports and Defense Industrial Cooperation

Technical Cooperation (e.g., cyber security and emerging capabilities)

Information Sharing

Both sides intend to identify points of contact responsible for coordinating engagements and tracking the implementation of cooperative projects decided upon under this framework. The lead points of contact should review potential opportunities and prioritize actions, with the goal of presenting at least one project or initiative each year before the SCM.


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